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Massage balls (whether they are spikey or smooth) are great portable tools that you can use on yourself, whenever you want.
They have been designed to loosen your muscles, assist in recovery from sporting activities (or even a long day in the office), and increase both the quality of, and range of, movement.
Massage balls can be put into any gym bag, handbag or even hand-luggage suitcase so they can literally be used anywhere, at any time. Whether you are an active gymnast training 5-6 times a week, a weekend warrior or a desk worker, there are multiple uses for everyone.
There are a few different ways to use a massage ball, the first method is to roll over the target area in a slow rhythmic motion. The second method way is to roll over the sore or tight muscle and then pause over tender points and wait for the muscle to relax.
Without getting too technical, a massage ball increases local pressure within a muscle. This causes the brain to send signals to the part of the muscle responsible for sensing changes in muscle tension, which in turn responds to the increase in tension by telling the muscle to lengthen and relax. When your muscles are being overused – either repetitively or through poor posture, your muscles will become tight and knotty. These knots reduce the ability of the muscle to be able to relax properly which means that they become even tighter. Using a massage ball after exercise can help to break down these knots and improve your range of movement and decrease any pain you may experience. The same goes for those overworked muscles in your upper back, neck, shoulder sore lower back after a long day studying or working at a computer. Using a massage ball regularly can help these knotted areas become looser, helping to manage postural aches and pains.